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Meet The Team

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Our Managing Partner 

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Greg Miller

Greg Miller is a Lawyer with a Purpose because of his hard work and determination. He researches not only the case, but also the clients, gathering information that would make the CIA jealous.


Oksana Sharov

Oksana is a Lawyer with a Purpose because she finds creative ways to solve the cases that face our clients, working around the clock to find ANY way to get them the freedom they paid us to acquire.

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 Hans Sherman

Hans is a Lawyer with a Purpose because of his connections to the communities we love to support/infiltrate. His ability to keep his eyes practically everywhere makes him one of our top lawyers.

Anthie Shulman

Anthie Shulman

Head of Marketing

Anthie Shulman is not only our head of marketing, she's also great at connections. Much of the artwork seen at our offices was created by her, giving our walls a little more creative flow.



LWAP's favorite animal mascot, Bladimir helps calm our clients and help them to trust us, giving an even deeper connection than any mere human ever could.

Recently promoted to Head of Maintenance, Bladimir goes above and below by cleaning the toilets (hole duty), eating scraps off the lunchroom floor, and performing rightfully thankless tasks.

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